Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Anna Zoe

This girl works her butt off and she is fantastic at it. She even has her own label! However, this blog isn't about her business sense, but her music, and, believe me, it is just as fantastic. I recently purchased her album on iTunes and it is super great. 

Today, while baking a million cookies, I listened to Fiction in Some Direction three times. Zoe's website says that she is like "Tori Amos having dinner with Coldplay, and meeting Death Cab for Cutie for drinks", and although I believe this is right on, I am also reminded of Alanis Morissette's first album. The energy that Jagged Little Pill had is very similar to the energy coming through in Fiction is Some Direction. If I had to single out one track, which is hard because I truly dug them all, I would say my favorite is track 8, In Love. In Love reminds me of a lullaby, but in a rockin' kinda way.

Every track on the album is wonderful and if your interest has been peaked, follow the link below. Zoe's album can also be found on iTunes. If you do check her out, which I highly recommend (would I ever steer my readers wrong), comment below. I would love to know what my readers thing for once. Don't forget to click the link below and get to know a wonderful musician, Anna Zoe.

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